Orlean Cuisine: Eating For a Lean, Fit Lifestyle

Food is fuel. That’s our mentality going forward. Our goal together is to create sustainable eating patterns empowering optimal health, performance and vitality. We will not avoid exercise, to challenge your body's ability to switch between fuel sources and utilize oxygen efficiently. This translates to better endurance in everyday activities and improved fitness. If you’re aware of your metabolism, this is what is called metabolic conditioning.


Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are the three macronutrients, the primary drivers of our energy intake and can be found in a variety of food sources such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, meats and cheeses. There are many food tracking apps available these days to track and experiment with, such as Lose It! and MyFitnessPal, and I highly recommend using them if you want to dial this in once and for all. Think of an app as training wheels. This is not a forever solution, because the ultimate goal is developing the instinct around your eating habits, not making yourself crazy by having to track every bite until the end of time.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting isn't about deprivation, it's about redefining your relationship with food. I find that most of my clients need a structure around when they are eating, more often than being told what to eat. Instead of constant grazing, you cycle between periods of eating and fasting, setting a clear schedule, allowing your body time to rest and optimize its metabolism. This can lead to weight loss, better blood sugar control, and improved brain function.


Hydration is essential, and I’m not talking about soda, sugary drinks and alcohol. For a lean, fit lifestyle, drink water. When you are dehydrated, you can sabotage all the great food you put in your body and exercise you are doing in the gym. I recommend getting a 32 oz. bottle to carry around with you so that when you fill it up 2.5-3x/day minimum, you can have a rough estimate of how much water you are consuming. Season, climate and physical activity will influence your water intake as well. If we are not hydrated, we are not living the lean, fit lifestyle.

Strength Training

You can have the best gasoline on the planet, it won’t make a broken down car drive any better or any further. When you build muscle, or develop lean strength or tone, you will increase your

metabolic rate, which means you will burn more calories when you are resting. On top of that, the benefits of strength training support healthy bones, improve your posture, digestion and ultimately lead to a boost in confidence. A way to develop a system for strength training is through understanding Rate of Perceived Exertion. This is personal to you, where you rate your effort from 1 (easy walk) to 10 (maximum effort), track it, and see your progress over an extended period of time. You don’t have to get to a gym, but starting with bodyweight exercises at home such as squats, lunges and push ups are a great way to get moving in the right direction.


Something extraordinary happens after a bout of exercise called excess post-oxygen consumption (EPOC) which is an increased availability of oxygen your body can use to recover. Excess post-oxygen consumption leads to burning more calories and aids in the body’s ability to repair muscle and use food as fuel. Adequate sleep, stress management, and regular exercise bolster your immune system. A lean, fit lifestyle is your best bet for staying healthy and fit, and fighting off illness and having the energy for friends, family and fun. I always say to my clients that fitness is like brushing your teeth - few wake up day after day excited to do it, but we also don’t want stinky breath.


While healthy eating habits are the foundation, a blood test can offer valuable insights into your internal chemistry. Consult your doctor or health coach to determine if a blood test is right for you, and use the results to fine-tune your nutritional strategy. Our goal is to achieve optimal nutrition through real foods first, and only resort to supplementation if necessary. Your gut health is essential to digestion, immunity and mood, and ultimately improving nutrient absorption can change your approach to nutrition as well.


It’s important to achieve optimal nutrition for a lean, fit lifestyle. Whether you’re playing with kids, going up the stairs or reaching the top shelf at the supermarket or in the kitchen, we are here to develop consistent habits that keep us going. Our motivated community of athletes, businesses and families are committed to fitness excellence. Join our newsletter at OrleanFitness.com to receive updates on events, products and coaches who will help you get you closer to your goals.